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Lawyer and Tax Advisor

Dr. Karin Ebel

ebel & team

Dr. Karin Ebel is the founder of ebel & team. As a lawyer and tax advisor with a long-standing focus on family businesses and family offices, she has already supported more than 200 business owners and families. Her focus is on the issues of family constitution and succession, including legal implementation and tax optimization.

Karin Ebel is a member of various advisory boards for family businesses and is a sought-after speaker at events and conferences – both at in Germany and internationally. Together with Dr. Maren Gräfe, she is also the co-author of the book “Familienvermögen dauerhaft sichern – Vision, Strategie und Steuern”.

She balances expertise and an understanding of emotional situations, creating tailor-made concepts for families.

Contact us. We are here for you.